Girl in a classroom at Prep Class At St Mary's Colchester in Essex

Lower School Roles of Responsibility Announced!

28 September 2018


Following successful letters of application, Mrs Stanhope, Director of St Mary’s Lower School was delighted to announce the Year 6 pupils who received roles of responsibility duties for the coming academic year. The girls will be encouraged to be good listeners, to be proactive, honest, strong communicators, confident, fair and build self-control. They will learn to lead and use their authority positively, we are sure that they will all have a very successful year under the guidance of Mrs Adamson, who is very much looking forward to continuing to work with them. Congratulations!

Our Locations

St Mary's Colchester
Early Learners pre-schooler session

A FREE and fun event for 2-4 year olds to help build confidence on Friday 20 September, 10-11am at St Mary’s Lower School.

Reserve a place today