4 primary lower school girls in uniform standing by a tree talking and laughing about something one of the girls said at St Mary's school Open day

Open Days & Visits

Attend a St Mary’s Open Day or arrange a private tour. The best way to get to know St Mary’s is to take a look around. We hold kindergarten and school Open Days throughout the year. We also hold information events on topics such as Senior School Scholarships. Alternatively, our Registrar is happy to conduct individual tours at a time to suit you.

To arrange a private tour or reserve your place at one of our St Mary’s Open Days or information events, simply complete the form below:

Reserve your Place

What happens at a St Mary’s School Open Day?

Our weekday kindergarten and school Open Days provide an opportunity to see the school in action and meet the Senior Leadership team. Refreshments will be available at the end of your tour, where our Admissions team will also be available to answer any questions you may have.

At our Saturday kindergarten and school Open Days, there will be an opportunity to tour the school and meet pupils and staff. Our Senior Leadership team and Admissions team will also be available for you to speak to at the end of your tour while you enjoy refreshments provided by our catering team.

We encourage people to visit us as many times as they wish to get a full insight into all we offer.

Upcoming St Mary’s Open Days

Kindergarten and Lower School Open Days:

Friday 4 and Saturday 5 October, 9.30-11.30am

Senior School Open Days:

Friday 11 and Saturday 12 October, 9.30-11.30am

Book an individual tour or reserve your place at a school Open Day or Information Event

Please book an individual tour or reserve your place at a St Mary’s Open Day or Information Event and give us a little advance information by completing the form below:

Reserve your Place

Experience St Mary’s

In addition to St Mary’s Open Days and tours, we hold a number of events to enable you to get a further insight into life at St Mary’s. These include free educational sessions for 2-4 year olds in our Kindergarten, for example in our new outdoor learning area or Forest School. We also hold events to empower girls of different ages covering subjects from science and History to music and textiles. On occasion we also hold talks on specific subjects such as the benefits of all-girls’ education. You can find out more about some of our events here.

Download our prospectus

In addition to attending a St Mary’s Open Day or visiting us for a private tour, you can also download our prospectus to find out more about the empowering education we offer girls at St Mary’s.

Inside our prospectus you will find information such as our vision and values. You can read about how we challenge girls academically, creatively and physically. In addition, you will find practical information such as Senior School Scholarships available and our fees.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our Registrar, Mrs Justine Tierney, at registrar@stmaryscolchester.org.uk if you would like any further information.

Top rating of excellent in our latest inspection

St Mary’s was rated excellent by the Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) in February 2023.

This ‘Excellent’ rating is the highest award given and covers both ‘the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements’ and ‘the quality of the pupils’ personal development’.

The key findings emphasised the high levels of attainment across the curriculum for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), in National Curriculum tests for Year 6 and at GCSE level. The inspectors also picked up on the excellent communication skills demonstrated by the girls at both the Lower School and Senior School and the strong relationships between our teachers and pupils, which nurtures a positive mind-set to learning amongst the girls.

Our emphasis on the importance of pastoral care was also documented, with inspectors commenting on the school’s culture of monitoring pupils’ progress and wellbeing, which allows the girls to develop and express themselves to be reflective learners. You can read more in our highlights report or in the full report below.

If you would like further information in addition to visiting us at a St Mary’s Open Day or for a private tour, you can read the inspection report highlights or the full report.

Our Locations