St Mary’s was rated excellent by the Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) in February 2023.
This ‘Excellent’ rating is the highest award given and covers both ‘the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements’ and ‘the quality of the pupils’ personal development’. The inspection also included a ‘focused compliance inspection’ where the school was judged as having met the eight required standards.
The ISI’s inspectors conducted a thorough visit of the Kindergarten, Lower School and Senior School, where they observed children and staff in lessons, reviewed examples of pupils’ work, conducted interviews with members of staff and school Governors and attended form meetings and assemblies. They also gained an insight into the wide variety of extra-curricular activities available as well as looking at the curriculum offer alongside facilities and resources. In addition, parents, staff and pupils’ input was reviewed and collated via pre-inspection questionnaires.
The key findings emphasised the high levels of attainment across the curriculum for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), in National Curriculum tests for Year 6 and at GCSE level. The inspectors also picked up on the excellent communication skills demonstrated by the girls at both the Lower School and Senior School and the strong relationships between our teachers and pupils, which nurtures a positive mind-set to learning amongst the girls.
Our emphasis on the importance of pastoral care was also documented, with inspectors commenting on the school’s culture of monitoring pupils’ progress and wellbeing, which allows the girls to develop and express themselves to be reflective learners. You can read more in our highlights report or in the full report below. Alternatively, visit the ISI website.